From server do some file transfer to client PC to sync to the server.
As IT System administrator if PC or client or workstation or laptop not connected to network more than 3 months from windows server we need to refresh the connection and redo the connection from server to the client to do sync the activities.
Moreover from domain server refresh and re sync activities to establishing the connection.
Go to client PC or workstation or desktop login log and logout from the PC and login to domain account by changing the password.
if you have any doubts or queries regarding the answer please feel free to ask
c to help build the internets infrastrucuter
The answer to this question is given below in the explanation section.
The for-loop given in the question is:
for ( j = 0; j < 10; j++ )
appendItem (myList, aNumber); //this loop append a number to a list myList
This loop starts from J variable's value zero and when J's value is less than 10, the loop iterate through its body until J's value becomes greater or equal to 10. As J's value exceed nine, the loop will get terminated.
So this loop repeats 10 times its loop body, at the 11th time, the condition becomes false and the loop will get terminated.
Java is an all round programming language which is typically object-oriented and class-based. It was designed by James Gosling, developed by Sun microsystems and released officially on the 23rd of May, 1995. Java programming language is designed to have only a few implementation dependencies as possible because it was intended to be written once, and run on any platform.
Java makes concurrency to be available to software developers through the application programming interface (API) and the language. Also, it supports multiple threads of execution, by making each thread have its respective program counter and method-call stack, which then allow concurrent executions with other threads.
The preferred means of creating multithreaded Java applications is by implementing the runnable interface. An object of a class that implements this interface represents a task to perform. The code is public void run ().