During the Civil War many women supported and helped by aiding as nurses servings as spies for Union armies some women even served in the military even though it was forbidden. Many had also gathered food for Troops.
Explanation: After the war many women had to go back to the traditional housewives which many of them were not ready to do. During this time many women were told to return to their proper places like cooking cleaning, and watching after the children this took a while for women to adjust to after the Civil War.
A republic is a government in which the people and/or elected officials have the most say in the government and a president is elected rather than a monarch. The early founders in creating the American republic believed certain groups were better fit to represent all the people. Due to their position of power in regards to other people, men were seen as the most fit to lead and vote. Additionally, land owners being responsible and invested as well as those 21 and over were considered most fit. Additionally many, especially the Federalists, believed that the elite were most worthy as they were also the most moral. Their education level and ability to be successful meant they were best fit to make good decisions for all. Anti-Federalists, especially Thomas Jefferson believed all men should be involved in the process and a truer form of democracy was needed. He often argued for the right of commoners to revolt and overthrow government if it was needed. The voice of the people should drive all decisions not the voices of a few elites. Federalists feared direct democracy due to the common man's lack of education and inability to be rational. Ultimately Federalists, especially Alexander Hamilton wanted the British system just with a president instead of a king and them in power instead of British Parliament.
On December 23, 1913, President Woodrow Wilson was the one who signed the Federal Reserve Act.
Please correct me if I'm wrong!!! I'd be happy to fix it!! :)
Hello, There! I'll be glad to help!
Because of a scarcity of workers in the New World, persons were transported against their will to work on large farms without pay and under difficult conditions. Which of the following best describes this?
Enslaved African
The New World required a lot of workers. In this case, Africans were taken from their native lands and enslaved.
Hence, The Answer is "Enslaved Africans"
Similarity--both the US and France went through periods of adjustment on their way to a permanent government.
Difference--the US was able to create a democratic government and make changes from the Articles of Confederation to the Constitution without a complete revolution and extreme violence. France on the other hand established a tyrannical government and then a dictatorship under the rule of Napoleon. It took more time and stages for France to find a democratic balance they were hoping for.