IN the 1550’s, Charles V resigned his throne to his brother Ferdinand, and then to his son Phillip II
A signed agreement is a signature on a piece of paper and is a powerful legal piece between two parties.
Some of the arguments people might have made against the declaration:
"The Seneca Falls Declaration is the most mistaken, shocking and unnatural event ever made in U.S. history, by women. Women belong to their homes, where they can take care of the offspring, her family and her husband. They aren't qualified to vote, nor legislate and don't need to do so since men in their lives already represent their political will, therefore their duty is only to enhance the social status of her husband or men in the family, according to their situation.
Without such a role in society, who, then is going to do the chores at home? Are the lords going to wash the dishes, clean, do the laundry, feed the children and all sort of chores? Such behavior is unacceptable in society and a threat to our most valued traditions, where men by nature and by God's command, are the heads of the family and not vice-versa."
La corrupción política o Malpolítica es el uso de poderes por parte de los funcionarios del gobierno o sus contactos en la red para un beneficio privado ilegítimo. Las formas de corrupción varían, pero pueden incluir soborno, cabildeo, extorsión, amiguismo, nepotismo, provincianismo, clientelismo, tráfico de influencias, corrupción y malversación.
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Answer: Millions of poor people flocked to cities in hopes of finding well-paying jobs.