It's between b and c because they are good examples but c is more recommended
Random neural firings. Tess tells myranda her dream is a result of brain activation during REM sleep.
This hypothesis is a neurobiological theory of dreams. The hypothesis was proposed by John Allan Hobson and Robert McCarley in 1977. The theory suggests that during sleep, the brain cerebral cortex's tries to make meaning of the neural activity happening in other parts of the brain when we sleep. Dreams are the result.
The cortex is what is responsible for the dream content. That is the person who who chased her, became a robot and how it later played laser tag with her.
Mores determine what is considered moral and ethical behavior, which makes them more strict than folkways. One difference between a more and a folkway is the following: Mores may carry serious consequences if violated; folkways do not. Folkways on the other hand are norms for routine or casual interaction.
An economic and social campaign by the communist party of china