A prototype<span> is an early sample, model, or release of a product built to test a </span>concept<span> or process or to act as a thing to be replicated or learned from. It is a term used in a variety of contexts, including semantics, design, electronics, and software programming.</span>
Answer:It all depends on who the reader is likely to be and the information they’ll want.
Newspaper 1: Company wins contract
Newspaper 2: Previous company loses contract (equally true)
Newspaper 3, say a student paper in the local town: Prospects for new jobs open up as company wins contract.
Let the function be Node* ins(Node *root,int k)
if root node is NULL then return new node with data equal to k.
If the k <root->data
else if k >root->data
root->right =ins(root->right,k);
At last return root.
Node is always inserted at the at the leaf node.We will search k in the tree if we hit a the leaf node the new node is inserted as the child of the leaf node.
I think it’s number 1. Check the answer first.