The appropriate response is the development of the suburbia. Rural development was encouraged by the improvement of zoning laws, redlining, and various advancements in transport. After World War II, accessibility of Federal Housing Administration contract credits fortified a lodging blast in U.S. rural areas.
Wildfire ash is made from burning organic material stuff like trees. As they burn, they can produce three different materials. this is also a chemical reaction.
(also here is a fact about campfires) Radiation is a heat transfer through wave motion. An example of radiation is with a campfire, radiation occurs around the campfire as energy travels away from the flame in the form of electromagnetic waves. question 1 the three ways that heat can transfer from place to place is conduction, convection, and radiation
Answer:The central revelation of anthropology is:"The world in which we live in does not exist in some absolute sense but is just one model ofreality.