MLS stands for Multiple Listing or Multiple Listing System. MLS is such a service that is built to assist various brokers in reviewing the lists of various properties in different areas. This list help others purchase their own property to their taste as well as sell their properties.
Under new regulations, when a seller permits a broker to send property to MLS, the broker can make a unilateral blanket bid to agree to accept or refuse all members of that MLS sub-agency.
Answer: Currency is converted to common currency, GDP is divide by population and compare GDP per Capita
GDP is measured in a countries currency. When Comparing a GDP of one country to the GDP of another country currency is converted into a common currency. Currency can be converted using exchange rate. the GDP of one country will then be expressed in the currency of another country using the exchange rate.
Some countries have a high number of population than others, for example China has more people than Mexico. therefore measure GDP and The standard of living between countries GDP will need to be divided by population which will give us GDP per capita which measures the standard of living by showing the GDP per person
c. Fluffy Pillows, a U.S.-based pillow company, sells the same pillows worldwide.
Globalization of markets occurs when different markets in the world are integrated and merged into just one market when similar tastes, preferences, norms, convenience and values are identified which facilitate a gradual change in culture towards the use of similar commodities.
The the sale of the same pillows worldwide by the U.S.-based pillow company, Fluffy Pillows, is a good example of globalization of markets .This is because the company has been able to integrate and merger all the pillow markets in the world to just one and has therefore facilitated a gradual change in tastes and preferences for its pillow making the use of the same pillow possible worldwide.
I wish you all the best.
snce rita times 4 to the power of rodriquez is 24 then this is proven to be true