The question is not clear
a. Mastication process and formation of bolus in the oral cavity
b. The contraction in the stomach breaks the food down into smaller pieces. These pieces are then moved to the small intestine.
c. In the small intestine, food particles are broken down into nutrients, fat, protein and carbohydrates which are absorbed into the bloodstream.
a. First step of digestive system functioning is the mastication process and formation of bolus in the oral cavity.
b. The contraction in stomach, with the help of digestive enzymes and acids, break the food down into smaller pieces. The small pieces of food are then released into the first part of the small intestine (duodenum).
c. In the small intestine, two enzymes released from pancreas and gall bladder break down the food particles into fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. Thereon, nutrients and carbohydrates, proteins and fats are absorbed into the bloodstream.
While exercising, the muscles need additional energy as the breathing rate and volume of each breath increases to bring more oxygen into the body and remove the carbon dioxide produced. The heart rate increases to supply the muscles with extra oxygen and remove the carbon dioxide produced.