The Emergency Severity Index is a 5 level emergency department triage being maintained by the AHRQ. Among the victims of the car accident here is the order in which they should be seen by a healthcare provider. First, an adult with a laceration with severe bleeding. Second, an adult having 30 breaths per minute respiration with a history of asthma. Third, an older adult confuse yet with normal vital signs and lastly is a child with lacerations on arms as well as in the legs.
CO2 overabundant gas have humans accumulated in our atmosphere that has caused the greenhouse effect
On the red parts of the map
The map shows that the red parts are the youngest.
I believe that the youth movement originated with the baby boomers, the huge generation born after the world war II. By 1970, 58.2 % of the population in America was under the age of 35 years. The economic boom of the 1950s meant more families could afford to send their children to College. College life gave the young people a sense of freedom and independence. It was on college campuses across the nation that youth protest movements began and reached their peak.
Fossils and rocks identical to each other wet found on separate continents because rocks and the animals that formed those fossils can't swim the logical explanation was that the continents split after the rocks and fossils were formed