The left 4 is in the hundreds place, the middle four is in the tens place, and the right four is in the ones place; 400, 40, and 4
The majority of the total operating budget for most organizations is represented by supply chain costs
An operating budget is the annual budget of an activity stated in terms of Budget Classification Code, functional/subfunctional categories and cost accounts. It contains estimates of the total value of resources required for the performance of the operation including reimbursable work or services for others. It also includes estimates of workload in terms of total work units identified by cost accounts. Supply chain costs take up the most in the total amount of the budget. Supply chains include costs related to procurement, transportation , inventory and quality.
Personal family system
A family in which parents and children all participate in negotiations as to where to go on vacation, what college the child will go to, how to handle family holidays, and other decisions is operating under personal type of family system where parents and children all participate in negotiations of everything they do such as where to go on vacation, what college the child will go to, how to handle family holidays, and other decisions.
a teacher, close friend, any online service that can support you, phone lines like lifeline etc.
The six most important characteristics of a civilization are cities, government, religion, social structure, writing, and arts and architecture.
To establishing a civilization - Cities grew on rivers and bodies of water where people could farm or fish for food. Rivers provided transportation and trade. Rivers provided rich soil and water for fields.