Beowulf says Grendel has no weapon <span />just his cunning and strength.Beowulf says he will fight the monster on those terms.
Mammals (Mammalia) are a class of vertebrate homeothermic amniotes (of "warm blood") that possess milk-producing mammary glands with which they feed the young. Most are viviparous (with the notable exception of the monotrematas: platypus and echidnas). A clear example of a mammal is man and his best friend, the dog.
This should not be included in the notes, because it is scientifically approved that mammals have the capacity to produce milk and give this food to their young, which is vital for humans or dogs as in the example
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This sentence is an example of a metaphor, the speaker is comparing his father to being death in the way that death typically is said to come after a person. Through this image, it's clear that the speaker's father is not going to give up pursuit of him.
The father said that if he will not work ,he would failed.