The correct answer is "shame".
Rampage killers often have feelings of shame, which is why they use that shame and bring it out in their rampages, wherein they convert that feeling of shame into pride, when they've started to kill or hurt people.
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, in its fifth edition (or DSM 5).
This a manual created and published by the American Psychiatry Association, which is used by most of today's psychologists for diagnostic related inquiries on mental health disorders.
Last updated, DSM 5, was published in 2013, and it is still consider as useful when seeking for statistic information.
According to the text, social media is part of the larger media ecosystem made of: <span>paid media and owned media.
Paid and owned media are marketing strategy phrases that describe the digital marketing method.
</span>Owned media is any web property that can be controlled.<span> While paid media are paid advertising efforts.</span>
1870 but 1964 is when it was passed
The Exile tale describes the Jews' struggle in Egypt, their redemption by Yahweh, and their expulsion from Egypt. They promised to become his people after being selected and forming a pact with him.