Here is the JAVA program:
public class Main { //class name
public static void main(String[] args) { //start of main method
//sets all boolean type variables spades, hearts diamonds and clubs to false initially
boolean spades = false;
boolean hearts = false;
boolean diamonds = false;
boolean clubs = false;
String[] deck = new String[4]; //to store card sequence
int index = 0; //to store index position
int NoOfPicks = 0; //to store number of picks (picks count)
while (!spades || !hearts || !diamonds || !clubs) { //loop starts
String card = printCard(getRandomCard()); //calls printCard method by passing getRandomCard method as argument to it to get the card
NoOfPicks++; //adds 1 to pick count
if (card.contains("Spades") && !spades) { //if that random card is a card of Spades and spades is not false
deck[index++] = card; //add that card to the index position of deck
spades = true; //sets spades to true
} else if (card.contains("Hearts") && !hearts) { //if that random card is a card of Hearts and hearts is not false
deck[index++] = card;
hearts = true; //sets hearts to true
} else if (card.contains("Diamond") && !diamonds) { //if that random card is a card of Diamond and diamonds is not false
deck[index++] = card;
diamonds = true; //sets diamonds to true
} else if (card.contains("Clubs") && !clubs) { if that random card is a card of Clubs and clubs is not false
deck[index++] = card;
clubs = true; } } //sets clubs to true
for (int i = 0; i < deck.length; i++) { //iterates through the deck i.e. card sequence array
System.out.println(deck[i]); } //prints the card number in deck
System.out.println("Number of picks: " + NoOfPicks); } //prints number of picks
public static int getRandomCard() { //gets random card
return (int) (Math.random() * 52);
} //generates random numbers of 52 range
public static String printCard(int cardNo) { //displays rank number and suit
String[] suits = { "Spades", "Hearts", "Diamonds", "Clubs", }; //array of suits
String[] rankCards = { "Ace", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10",
"Jack", "Queen", "King" }; //array of rank
int suitNo = cardNo / 13; //divides card number by 13 and stores to suitNo
int rankNo = cardNo % 13; //takes modulo of card number and 13 and store it to rankNo
return rankCards[rankNo] + " of " + suits[suitNo]; }} //returns rankCard at rankNo index and suits at suitNo index
The program is explained in the comments attached with each line of code. The screenshot of the program along with its output is attached.