For IAS..we need a high amptual amount of knowledge..
For IPS..we need master degree and physical fitness too..
For An Advocate..we need Master degree and social Skills..
so..the education and qualifications depends on the various jobs..
grid computing
<h2><u>Fill in the blanks </u></h2>
<u>grid computing</u> involves connecting geographically remote computers into a single network and combining the computational power of all computers on the network. It takes advantage of the the fact that most computers use their central processing units on average only 25 percent of the time, leaving 75 percent of their capacity available for other tasks. A super computer Nanotechnology A workstation Grid computing Green computing
The <span>element located on the top left of the Word screen is the Quick Access Toolbar. </span>On the quick access toolbar, you can find some of the common functions that you will need to use on a regular basis, it contains commands that are used most often, for example Redo, Undo and Save etc.