Used as an adjective to criticise someone who is unpleasant and idiotic.
I know a lot of other languages (including Korean) but I have never heard of that. I asked my language teacher, and even she didn't know, so I don't know if that is even something.
Nuvela începe cu descrierea morii califului (cea din titlu). Moara este prezentată ca un semn al răului, ca un loc demonizat. Nicio persoană vie nu a văzut vreodată moara funcționând, așa că oamenii au crezut că era folosită pentru nevoile lui Satana.
The short story begins with the description of Caliph's mill (the one in the title). The mill is presented as a sign of evil, as a demonized place. No living person has ever seen the mill work, so people thought it was used for Satan's needs.