The correct answer is aerobic conditions.
When you do rigorous exercise, the cells of the muscles require more oxygen and this requirement is met through aerobic conditions.
The body has its own oxygen energy system that manages the presence of the oxygen during movement.
convergent evolution.
When organisms of distantly related species or groups are found in similar environmental conditions, they develop some similar features which are otherwise not present in their ancestral species. This is called convergent evolution. Convergent evolution also results in the development of similar traits in the distantly related organisms that are found in distantly located geographical regions having similar environmental conditions. Therefore, the presence of the same features in rodents and flying squirrels represent convergent evolution.
The genome of an organism is inscribed in DNA, or in some viruses RNA. The portion of the genome that codes for a protein or an RNA is referred to as a gene. Those genes that code for proteins are composed of tri-nucleotide units called codons, each coding for a single amino acid.
seismographs detect waves and vibration undergroud
We have an internal skeleton and a grasshopper has an external skeleton.