The answer is systematic and reject. If you follow your intuition, you will more often than not err by misclassifying a random event as systematic. We are far too willing to reject the belief that much of what we see in life is random.
Answer:b. whether Marisa knew she was being observed during the behaviour
Dispositional Attribution focuses on attributing one's behavior to their personality or internal characteristics rather than situational factors.
This leads to fundemental attribution error, when we say John didn't finish his work because he is lazy without considering external other aspects that may hindered him, this is dispositional attribution leading to fundemental attribution error.
correspondent inference theory state that for this to happen the following has to take place :
1) Choice: when someone freely choose to behave a particular way this is said to be driven by dispositional factors.
3) Accidental vs. Intentional Behavior: Behavior that is driven by intentions is believed to be due to someone's personality and those that are due to accidents are believed to be driven by external factors.
3) Social Desirability: Behaviours that is non conforming is attributed to dispositional factors because if it is low in social desirability.
4) expectations also plays a role in correspondence theory.
<u>Task roles are the actions of group members that help to accomplish a task</u>.
One task role is initiator. The initiator proposes a task and suggests goals, procedures, and solutions.
He or she may say: Is it a good idea to start with….?
Another task role is information seeker. The information seeker asks for clarification, suggestion, and solutions.
He or she may say: What do you think of that problem?
<u>Maintenance roles are the actions of group members to maintain or preserve the relationship in a group. </u>
One maintenance role is harmonizer. Its role is mediating differences between other members, reducing tension, and solving disagreements.
For example: What can we all agree on?
Another maintenance role is gatekeeper. The gatekeeper facilitates the participation of other members and facilitates sharing ideas.
For example: Did you want to share something, John?
It would be the definitive first person accounts of many writers such asmatthew mark luke and john
ALL they all contributed to the renassaince