Halo Effects
It is a cognitive bias. It works on the principle of the first impression is the last impression. It is also called physical attraction stereotype and "whatever is beautiful is good". It is the habitual characteristics of a person to rate a person on their physical attractiveness. The more attractive person gets more favor and the person who is not beautiful gets less favor. This term was coined by Edward in the 1920 s. Whenever we rate a person by his good looking, then we tend to believe that they are positive and good personality and more intelligent. Even in one of the study investigators found that people rate that the more attractive person found to be less guilty in criminal activity. It is a double-edged sword. Even good looking person also found guilty, dishonest, hard from heart.
structured type interview.
According to the given information, the type of interview that held on the basis of given condition is structured type interview.
In this type of interview the predetermined set of questions are asked for every candidate. The reason of asking same set of question is to judge every individual on the same level with scoring system.
To generate natural energy that's cheaper and more reliable
I would say you do considering that unless you own the river or lake or such, the fish and body of water belongs to the state or county
When the southern states seceded from the United States to form the Confederate States of America in 1861, they used cotton to provide revenue for its government, arms for its military, and the economic power for a diplomatic strategy for the fledgling Confederate nation.