The Latin word Ave appears as the first word in most sentences.
Six of the eight sentences of the music begin with the word Ave, translated here as Hail. As a song of prayer, directed to the Virgin Mary, this repetition aims to reinforce the importance given to such a figure.
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Answer: The most correct option is
"Malawi was a small, rural country on the African continent".
Explanation: From the excerpt, it is seen that the people of Malawi lacks electricity, and from an understanding of what urbanization is, it is only a rural part of the world that will lack electricity in this century. Because the people of Malawi only has access to kerosene lamp that means, they don't have electricity until the boy built a windmill.
Since the boy was able to build a windmill, that means they have the resources to generate energy.
The citizens may not be happy going to sleep early, but because staying awake with a kerosene lamp is boring to their sight, they have no option than to sleep early.
It was never mentioned that the government provides the lamp and kerosene for the citizens to read.