seems you've answered this.
worry enjoyment friendship fear
Option C.
The passage talks about a boy and a little girl who did not even know each other but spent time together in the recess and had a good and comfortable company with each other. This girl had such an impact that the narrator would never forget her.
It was a very strange kind of friendship where not even knowing each other the two spent time together, maybe leading to the beginning or start of a new friendship.
Respuesta: Invade Polonia.
Hitler ordena a la Wehrmacht, el Ejército de Tierra del Tercer Reich, invadir a la República de Polonia en la madrugada del 1 de abril de 1.939, esa invasión generó reacciones por parte de Reino Unido y Francia, los cuales tenían acuerdos de defensa mutua con ese país de la Europa Oriental. A las primeras horas de la mañana de ese día, el Reino Unido y la República Francesa declararon la guerra al Tercer Reich, dando comienzo a la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
There are actually two New Deals: the first one launched in 1933. The second, and most aggressive and famous one, launched in 1935