It would be copyright... but as an example...
Friends don't last forever. You loose them eventually. They are there when you need them and love you no matter what. Basically nothing is forever...even if you say or wish it is.
-Addy young╰(*°▽°*)╯
Extraordinarily important
We can infer that the information in the wireless message was extraordinarily important because of the fact that Montgomery and Gred hurried to fetch Admiral Hall in order to deliver the message (An indication that they had deciphered it), and from the line that goes "as he tries to assess the impact of he was reading" which is also a sign of the significance of the message.
C he says the native are power full bht mocks their in abilitiy to fight off british rule
"Dawn in New York" praises the solitude of a morning routine.
While this morning routine does take place on urban transportation systems, the poem is praising the fact that these transportations systems are nearly empty at dawn. There are "no pushing crowd, no tramping, tramping feet" getting in the speaker's way as he makes his way to work.
The beauty of New York at dawn is the fact that the speaker can enjoy its beauty alone.