New neurons form and new dendrites grow throughout adulthood.
The correct answer is option a, that is, It is sometimes sprayed too far from the crops.
The use of pesticides on crops may exhibit a significant threat to the environment, mainly in and nearby to water sources with sensitive ecosystems, sources area, public drinking water, residential areas, and recreational waters.
Aircraft spray of pesticides takes place from a greater altitude than the ground-based equipment and on a major scale, both of these elements may enhance the threat of spray drift.
Fish because it is full of healthy oils. But depends on the kind of fish. I know salmon is rich in omega 3 fa
Answer: the name used is polytene chromosomes.
Polytene chromosomes are produced when repeated rounds of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) replication without cell division forms a giant chromosome, they have thousand of DNA strands and provides high level of function in the salivary glands.
At interphase, polytene chromosomes are seen to have distinct thick and thin banding patterns, these bands are of 2 types, the dark band (dark stained,
contains more DNA and less RNA) and the interband (light stained, more RNA and less DNA). The bands enlarge and forms a swelling called puff in certain times, the puffing (which is the formation of puff) is caused by the uncoiling of individual chromomeres in a band. The puffs indicate the site of active genes where mRNA synthesis takes place. These distinct banding patterns are used to study the function of genes in transcription because they permit high level of gene expression.