If a molecule consists of 2 or more elements its a compound.
Data would support your hypothesis
I think it's b glycolysis
I said i think just be risky and put that
ID isn't even genuine science, and it's an affront to religion too: their hypotheses make God look moronic and compel him to things that we don't yet get it. What ID advocates do is they discover something that isn't yet comprehended (at a certain point, it was a bacterial flagellum) and essentially wave their hands and say "God did it!", and afterward when that thing has been legitimately clarified by genuine researchers, they discover something else that hasn't been clarified yet and rehash the process.
....meiosis.., however, I'm not sure that the zygote goes through division. After the two gametes intercept and FORM the zygote, I'm pretty sure the zygote doesn't deconstuct from a dipliod back into a hapliod