La palabra "cementerio", que se deriva del griego antiguo, significa "lugar para dormir". Así que esas inscripciones en las lápidas de los cementerios que dicen "Descanso eterno" o "Descansa en paz" tienen mucho sentido.
En ellos, los cuerpos reposan en hileras bajo monumentos de piedra y mármol como si estuvieran acostados en dormitorios secretos.
Además, excepto para aquellas personas sensibles a las películas de terror, los cementerios – desde la isla veneciana de San Michele hasta la colección de tumbas de mafiosos italianos que da hacia Manhattan en el cementerio Calvary, de Queens- son realmente lugares de descanso rodeados de una sensación de ensueño y de escape al otro mundo frente las ruidosas ciudades a las que sirven.
Obra del trabajo de habilidosos diseñadores, arquitectos, escultores y jardineros, los cementerios citadinos pueden resultar descorazonadoramente hermosos.
Pero, aunque generalmente son refugios de vida silvestre, objeto de cautivadores ensayos en la historia del gusto y el diseño y una mirada fascinante sobre las convenciones sociales y las creencias religiosas, su origen fue espeluznante
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During the Progressive Era (the early 20th century), the women's rights movement main focus was:
2. Winning the right to vote.
During this time arroused a fight against political and economical corruption and social problems. The wrestle to gain the right to vote, not only was a purpose in itself, but represented the struggle for equality. It was the first victory that helped women to continue to pursuit more rights.
The Elementary Education Act of 1870 was the first of a number of acts of parliament passed between 1870 and 1893 to create compulsory education in England and Wales for children aged between five and 13. It was known as The Forster Act after its sponsor William Forster.
D. people who made more money pay a higher percentage in taxes
The People's Party, or Populists, wanted an income tax put into place that would require the wealthy to pay a higher percentage of taxes than lower income brackets.
Many of the goals of the Populist Party were to bring down the power and wealth of the top 1% by making them contribute more to the overall well-being of the country. An income tax would bring in more revenue and reduce the wealth of the most powerful. This would also allow the government to reduce taxes paid by farmers to use transportation systems.