nuclear weapons
they were either second or third to make them
The Christian Bible contains 66 books of which they are separated into two sections, the Old Testament which details the time before the birth of Christ, and the New Testament, which begins from the birth of Christ. The book of Titus is found in the New Testament part of the Bible.
One of the three pastoral epistles alongside 1 and 2 Timothy, The Epistle of Titus is Apostle Paul's letter instructing about church discipline and discipleship. The book contains 'rules' on how to maintain a Christian life, how to deal with those who chose to do evil. Moreover, it also dealt with how the 'leaders' are supposed to maintain and carry out their Church ministries.
Voting rights for African Americans
The march was conducted in 1965, when protesters conducted a protest walk from Selma, Alabama to Montgomery. The purpose of the march is to protest racial injustice in united states and demanded the government to allow the african Americans to exercise their right to be involved in the democracy. (at that time they were already allowed to vote, but the government still created some barriers that prevent them to do it)
This march lead to the creation of the voting rights act 1965, which designed specifically to address those voting barriers.
They were mainly created to control affairs, but they also were made to set policies, make laws, and protect the freedom of all.