The sepoy revolt/mutiny failed because rebel sepoys had simply declared a Mughal Emperor, Bahadur Shah II as the Emperor of India and the symbol of the revolt. Besides this fact though, there were multiple leaders at different storm centres of the revolt and each one of them were all fighting against the British for their own reasons and not one single cause.
The Peace Corps, created by the John Kennedy administration, asked the youth of the privileged American country to share that privilege. In an effort to spread American wealth and influence, the youth were asked to combat communism by creating infrastructure systems and education to impoverished nations. Many Peace Corps workers were sent to countries who had been released from colonial rule following WWII. This program has continued to grow to included medical assistance in addition to building and education programs.
During his trip to the United States, Alexis Dd Tocqueville observed that Americans were dangerously close to having a class war, since many people did not have equal rights.