B. Contreversial
Chinas One child policy is a reaction to the increase in the unstustainable population growth in China. The Chinese government would abort babies, and take them away from families who already had one baby. Thus the policy is contreversial.
The “Description of the World” is one of the most important books in history. It contains the narrative of Marco Polo’s journey from Europe to Asia (at the court of Kublai Khan) in the thirteenth century. The book details information about plant growing in different areas and daily life for citizens in Asian countries who were at war.
This book was also influential to Christopher Columbus who decided to follow a western route to Asia after reading “The Description of the World”
I guess about $70,000 a year.
Hope this helps!
In the northeastern states, blacks faced discrimination in many forms. Segregation was rampant, especially in Philadelphia, where African Americans were excluded from concert halls, public transportation, schools, churches, orphanages, and other places.