He wrote something that inspired many colonists to get out and fight for american independence.
new england was ideal for the development for factories because the ppor soil caused people to leave their farms, to find work, river provided water power to run machinery, easily accessible ports for passage, proximity to resources.
According to tribal history, Cherokee people have existed since time immemorial. Our oral history extends back through the millennia. It's recorded that our first European contact came in 1540 with Hernando DeSoto's exploration of the southeastern portion of our continent.
Short Term *secure International support for the Allies
*bring the war to an end
Long Term
*remove economic barriers to free trade
*abolish the use of secret treaties among nations
The address delivered by President Woodrow Wilson on January 8, 1918 is known as <em>Fourteen Points Speech</em>. During the speech he talked about about peace in Europe and Americas. He urged the Allies to set <em>unselfish peace terms with the central powers in the matters of freedom of seas, right to national self defence, restoration of territories conquered during the wa</em>r.
He talked bout <em>fourteen strategies </em>to ensure world peace and national security. It set the tone for US foreign policy and postwar American diplomacy. He foresaw that isolationist policy will not be helpful and international relations would become more important to global commerce and American security. So he advocated about<em> arms reduction, equal trade conditions and national sovereignty for the former colonies.</em>