Find out how much over the 10 years whatever it says and then use that to explain if it's worth is
The length of the rectangle is (6x+5)
A vertical asymptote is a line that the graph of the function does not cross.

+/- ∞
then the line x = a is a vertical asymptote.
For x = 0:
f ( 0 ) = 3 * cot 0 - 4 = ∞
For x = +/- 2 π :
f ( 2 π ) = 3 * cot π - 4 = - ∞
A ) x = 0 and C ) x = +/- 2π
Step-by-step explanation:
jzbxvxvxbdbdvdbdhdjdjdjfjjdjdhfhfhfhfhbxhxjdjdjdjdjsjsjsjsjdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdbdhchchekejsbdbdjdjdjdjxjxhchhfjdhdbdbdvdbr hdhdjdhxjdbdbdbdjdjdhdhdPay it dounded like u said bdbdbfvfvdbdhdhdhhdjd
Yes it is bc u have to times that and iy moves over 2 decimal points