Lightning can be best described as an electrical discharge, which is caused by the imbalances between the clouds and the storm and the ground or sometime within the cloud. It carries around 20,000 to 30,000 ampere of current when it comes to the ground.
It is not only the direct hit of the lightning that make you worry, but any strike that is close to us can be dangerous to us as it results in the release of huge amount of electricity in the surrounding area.
Oxbows and loess both show similarity as they both show the constructive power of erosion. An oxbow lake starts as a curve in a river. Oxbows are formed where the river often empties into another water body. ... A loess is a sediment which is formed by the accumulation of the wind blown silt
Answer: Because 1 is a smaller number
The given statement is not true.
Biocentrism in an ecological and political sense, as well as, in an ethical perspective encompasses intrinsic value to all the living creatures. It is an understanding of how the earth functions, mainly as it associates with biodiversity.
The term biocentrism covers all the environmental ethics, which outspread the status of the moral object from human beings to all the living creatures in nature. Biocentrism witnesses each species as a component of the living biosphere.
It witnesses the outcomes of minimizing biodiversity on both the large and small scales and emphasis towards the innate values all the species exhibits towards the environment.