Answer: I think its air pollution and Global warming
C. They all use a cut and paste mechanism.
DNA transposons can go through a replicative or nonreplicative transposition.
The replicative transposition uses a "copy and paste" mechanism that consists of the introduction of a new copy of the transposable element in a new position, meanwhile <u>the old copy remains in the original position</u>. This determines an increase in the number of copies.
The nonreplicative transposition uses a "cut and paste" mechanism that consists of the cleavage of the transposable element from its position and its <u>insertion in a new position</u> without increasing the number of copies.
Retrotransposons, on the other side, move through RNA intermediates generated by the reverse transcriptase.
A. If the aerobic pathway—cellular respiration—cannot meet the energy demand, then the anaerobic pathway—lactic acid fermentation—starts up, resulting in lactic acid buildup and "oxygen debt."
C. After about 90 seconds of intense exercise, the muscles become depleted of oxygen, and anaerobic respiration can no longer function to produce ATP, resulting in "oxygen debt."
There are two sources of carbohydrates in the human's body for energy (ATP) production. 1) Creatine phosphate and 2) Glycogen. Creatine phosphate metabolizes easily and yields ATP quickly. Whereas glycogen is stored form of carbohydrate which yields energy more slowly. Therefore, initially, our bodies use creatine phosphate and then shift to glycogen. Within 60-90 seconds, the creatinine phosphate in the body is mostly utilized and then energy is produced by the use of glycogen in aerobic pathway. During areobic pathway, oxygen supply is sufficient and per cycle, it produces 32 molecules of ATP. However, when oxygen supply is limited or absent, the body will metabolize glycogen to lactic acid via fermentation and produce only 2 molecules of ATP.
Now consider the example: Kenny hikes all day at a steady pace therefore the supply of oxygen is sufficient for aerobic cellular respiration for ATP production. In this scenario, the oxygen debt is minimal and Kenny relies on aerobic respiration pathway to obtain energy. On the other hand, Janelle runs fast (100 meters in 13.5 seconds) and her cellular respiration would be on the compense of aerobic pathway initially which will be shifted to anaerobic pathway after the supply of oxygen is reduced/minimum. Janelle will heavily rely on the anaerobic pathway because running fast needs energy which cannot be provided via aerobic pathway easily. Therefore, Janelle's body will produce lactic acid and suffer from oxygen debt.
D - The organisms on the island are slightly different than those on the mainland.
The reason why this is the correct answer is because each successive generation on the mainland as well as the island both develop and continue adapting to their specific ecological niche and environment. They are, howerer, both still part of the same species.
An undifferentiated cell is such as that in a blastocyte. They are multipotent and can differentiate into any type of cells. The cells of the mass begin to have their gene differentially expressed (due to differential silencing of particular genes) hence the cell become determined. They become well organized into tissue such as skin and other organs.