Click Tools, Internet options. ...The Internet Options window will open. ...Click Apply, OK to close the window.Click the wrench icon in the top-right corner of the browser.Select Options.In the 'On startup' section, select Open the home page.options window will open. Go to the Startup section and select When Firefox starts: Show my home page.. In the Home Page field, type in the website address you want to use as your home page.Click OK.
Answer: Insertion steganography
Explanation: Insertion steganography is the way of encrypting the data with the help of a regular files and message. It is encrypted by the ordinary files because the identification of files can be neglected. This process is carried out just for the protection purpose in extra form and gets decrypted in the destination port .It has the working based on the replacement of the bits in a file .
He invented the tabulating machine. In 1890 U.S