Follows are the solution to this question:
These functions to interpret but instead, print their for store assuming that have such a healthy connection, which data structure dictionary promoting each searching operation, add, remove, minimum, maximum, successor, and O(log n) time was its pre successor.
- Use its dictionary only for following abstract procedures, minimal, succeeding, in O(n login) time, search, add. It uses a dictionary with only the corresponding conceptual functions, minimize, add, in O(n log n) time, remove, search.
- Use the dictionary only for corresponding abstract procedures to sort, add, and sort in O(n log n) time. and in-order traversal. It is the most and minimum shop value, that want to be checked and updated from each deletion.
- When a minimum is removed, call the holder, change the minimum, and remove the single object. Once inserted, evaluate the brand new item to min/max, then update min/max if it replaces either one.
Following are the answer to this question:
The following is the list of name devices, which is used home network or the school lab.
- hrtr01(home router 1).
- schadmrtr02(school building router 2).
- clpc01, and clpc02 (computer laboratory pc 1 and 2)
- Its use as descriptive names as necessary without gives potential hacks much more relevant data.
- It provides only areas that are essential for both device identification.
- It allows the name for irrelevant or redundant information doesn't over-complicated.
-physical parts of a computer that cause processing of data
-can be connected (physically) & can touch
- Hardware wares out during/over time
-Hardware failure is random
-A set of construction that tells a computer exactly what to do
-software is logical in nature
- dose not have an increasing failure rate
- Behavior; Users interact with the products in various ways
- Products produce outputs and given inputs
-they have functional (user facing) and non functional (non user facing) requirements
-They are both complex (any representation of product specifications lead to a main structure)
- Software is easier to change then hardware
- Software testing is done by specialized quality assurance (QA) engineers, while hardware is done by engineers who are creating the product
-Hardware must be designed and tested to work over a range of time and environmental conditions, which is not the case for software
- Hardware designs are constrained by the need to incorporate standard parts
(Hope this helps?)
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I've included my code in the picture below. Best of luck.