Festivals act like stress relievers and help us balance our emotions.
They make us forget our cultural and religious differences. They unite people and they come together for the sole purpose of celebration and happiness. Other than that, festivals also help us embrace our culture and religion.
hope you got it?
Modernization theory
Modernization theory is mainly the vision of sociologists studying underdevelopment, for they argue that poverty is the consequence of adhering to traditional values and continuation of customs. Also, the lack of technological settings and holding onto traditional systems of beliefs, attitudes and institutions keep countries in a recurrent state of poverty.
Generally speaking, the modernists, will promote the idea that economic growth is possible or at least increases the possibility of fighting poverty in countries that once were very traditional :
Think of the Chinese example: for many centuries they remained within their boundaries, and the largest faction of people hold on to values and beliefs that were kept, and once major changes in economic realm were put, advancing in technological and investing, many cultural values, and traditional beliefs and changes in government are driving a major transformation from a mostly agrarian society into a fully industrialized country-
The answer is self-enhancement. The self-enhancement is when individuals lean towards to rate themselves above average, believe they have a better than average likelihood of success, and attribute their successes to personal motivation or ability while blaming the condition for their inaccuracies. In addition, self-enhancement in psychology is a kind of inspiration that works to make people feel good about themselves and to uphold self-esteem. This motive develops especially prominent in situations of threat, failure or blows to the self-esteem of oneself.
The answer is by using a positive tone. According to research, providing criticism in performance appraisal has revealed that giving negative feedback with a positive tone essentially makes employees believe more positive than when they be given positive feedback with a negative or unenthusiastic tone. This means that the power of deliverance frequently prevails over the substance of your message in feedback conditions.
Religious athletes have higher moral development than nonreligious athletes.
Athletes such as skier, Rebecca Dussault and weightlifter, Kulsoom Abdullah have attributed their success or commitment to their faiths. Because of their strong beliefs in a higher power, religious athletes may be better able to handle the stress of training, the downs of losing and injury.
Also, common characteristics help teams bond and a team with members who have a shared love of their sports as well as a shared faith have more reasons over which they can bond.
However, being religious does not automatically mean an athlete will be more morally developed or a non religious athlete will be amoral.