<span>Militarism is the certainty or the wish of a government or individuals that a state should uphold a solid military competence to use it violently to enlarge or endorse national welfares; samples of militarist states include the US, Russia and France. Also, this means that in war, there is a buildup of armaments for preparation.</span>
Answer:UCS; UCR---c
UCS (Unconditioned stimulus is any stimulus that can trigger or cause a response without the subject having any knowledge of that stimulus, which leads to the subject giving an Unconditioned response(UCR) which occurs spontaneously and due to reflex.
Shining a bright light directly into a person's eye,will cause an UCR because the pupil of the person eye will reflexively constrict. The bright light that triggered the reflective response is the UCS.
Each region in mexico has its particular way of celebrating the day of the dead. They use different and local elements to celebrate it. One thing in common in all of the regions is the use of an altar called "altar de muertos". The decoration of graves is also a common practice. In the 1930s during Lazaro Cardenas government, November 1 and 2 was the date set for all Mexican regions to celebrate the day of the dead.
Dynamic systems theory
Dynamical systems theory
This theory was known to be proposed in the 1980s by Peter Kugler, Scott Kelso and Michael Turvey.
This consist of a lot of systems working together to change or influence human movement task. example of systems in the body includes; nerves hormones, muscles, skeleton etc. This theory attempts to account for all the possible factors that may be operating a given moment in man. It depends on not only that which is going on inside a child's mind but also consider the environmental factors. Whatever a child does is going to be the product of both environment and history. The components involved do not has causal priority.
Assumptions under this theory
1. Development is non-linear
2. Children are complex systems
3. The only constant is change (individuality)