1. Cybercrimes are online crimes that cause loss of money some examples are: Identity fraud, Cyber bribery, Debit/credit card fr/ud, and Email fr/ud.
2. In medical offices devices linked to CT scans are able to be h/cked, there is r/nsomw/re that uses their devices. Since medic/l computers are always linked to the internet. it makes it easier for them to be h/cked. They make an employee click on an e-mail carrying m/lw/re, then the cybercrimin/ls encrypt p/tient data then dem/nd p/yment for its decryption.
3. This is a personal question but if you have ever been sc/mmed or witnessed someone being sc/mmed or almost got sc/mmed it might apply to this question
Doing so would not only increase your productivity potential / but also increase your productivity STANDARDS for certain jobs (e.g. data entry; secretarial work), which is a direct skill that is valuable to employers. Furthermore, if you work in a a secretarial job, this would allow you to accomplish tasks such as "touch typing" a lot faster (without sacrificing quality) — allowing you more time to accomplish other tasks, making you more efficient and even promotable in terms of pay raise and in terms of promotable to other positions with higher earnings — and even teach new staff members.
The banner on the front of a newsletter that identifies the publication is its nameplate.
Revisiting "Build a Tower"
Recall in the last section how we made Karel make a tower of tennis balls. We told Karel to move() and turnLeft() and putBall() until we had a tower. At the end of the program, Karel was still at the top of the tower, like as in the picture below.
Stuck at top
Suppose that now we want Karel to come back down from the top of the tower. The first thing we need to do is get Karel facing in the right direction. One way to do this is to tell Karel
And then tell Karel to
back to the bottom of the tower.
However, telling Karel to turnLeft() three times is not very readable. That's a lot of writing when all we really want is to tell Karel to "turn right."
Hopefully it would help.
In order to do this the programmer needs to use the EventHandler class. This class allows the computer to listen for certain user actions such as pressing a button. Using this on a button would then allow the programmer to specify what they want to happen when the user clicks the button or performs a certain action. For example, in this scenario, the programmer would program an EventHandler so that when the button is clicked it saves the input to a variable and changes the input field to the next option.