You can easily organize your work space. also you may have more resources. hope this helps
Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP).
In Computer technology, authentication can be defined as the process of verifying the identity of an individual or electronic device. Authentication work based on the principle (framework) of matching an incoming request from a user or electronic device to a set of uniquely defined credentials.
Basically, authentication ensures a user is truly who he or she claims to be, as well as confirm that an electronic device is valid through the process of verification.
In this scenario, an organization wants to implement a remote dial-in server to ensure that personnel can connect to the organization's network from remote locations. The authentication protocol must include encryption to prevent hackers from accessing the network.
Hence, the protocol which should be used is Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP).
A Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) can be defined as a standard network access control protocol in which a client program dials in to a network access server to receive a random value and identification number that can only be used once.
In our current market, we can find some messaging apps and social media designed for corporation organization setting. One example of messaging apps widely used in corporate world is Slack. The Slack enable user to set up different communication channel with their colleagues and flexibly set their working status.
FB also releases a corporate version of social media which is Workplace. The main attracting point is the contents are ad-free and you can expect to see company update or department news from the nesfeed.
Negative space is the space between, within and surrounding an object in an image. The positive space is the focus of the image, the object itself, but the negative space is just as important. It shares edges with the positive space, defining the outline of the object and creating proportion