They live in<span> clear water with not a lot of space though</span>
Valley glaciers are formed when a glacier travels across and down a slope, carving the valley by the action of scouring.
Shanthi Pura, Sri Lanka.
Shanthi Pura in Sri Lanka is the region which is located at 8°N, 81°E. This longitude and latitude readings provides information about the exact location on the earth surface. At 8°North, 81°East on the map of world, Sri Lanka is located which is a small Island in the South Asia, located in the Indian Ocean southwest direction of the Bay of Bengal and southeast direction of the Arabian Sea.
is about 70 times that of the Earth’s.
At the surface of Venus; the atmospheric pressure is about 70 times that of the Earth’s. This is the pressure of about a kilometer deep into the ocean.
A prime number is a whole number greater than one who's only factors are one and itself. The prime symbol is usually used to A) denote two distinct but similar objects or B) to denote the derivative. It could be described as a seperator.