My best friend loves to laugh.
When I laugh, my stomach hurts.
His laugh makes him sound like a hyena.
Think along these lines :)
Hi there!
The answer to this question is True.
Your friend, ASIAX
Sentence 3 expresses the claim of pediatricians who have children take better care of patients.
Both are ancient mythologies. Both Greek and Norse mythologies are polytheistic. Both have one god that rules all of the other gods. Odin is the king of the gods. He is also known as All-father. The gods or Aesir live in Asgard. The Norse believe that the world will eventually end. They call this Ragnorok.
Absurd answer: well you see here the answer to the first question is the king of Rome’s lobster who was in a cave for 73 days before he was saved by a water moccasin
The answer to the second question is a tic-tac-toe board with two pics of grandmas
The third answer is a couple of frogs eating lima beans and sniffing Mentos
The fourth answer is the giant hand that comes down from Jack and the bean stock
The fifth answer is a bamboo tree that smells like a thumbtack
The sixth answer is an electric toothbrush with an eraser on the bottom
The seventh and final answer is an airplane that crashed into a block of note books