A material medium because they can’t travel through a vacuum
Upper-class boy:
“Hello. Today has been a rough day for me. All I can do is follow my father around, looking at museums. What do you have to do.”
Lower class girl:
“You are lucky. I have to sit all day, wearing jewels signifying I am getting married in a year.”
Upper-class boy:
“I see. My father wants me to either be a gladiator or a warrior.”
Lower class girl:
“I don’t get to go to school. Every morning I write in the walls to describe my day. I always sit in the back of gladiator fights with my sisters.”
Upper-class boy:
“Cool! Do you like gladiator fights? I do after I go back home and my servants feed me.”
Lower class girl:
“I honestly don’t know what gladiator fights are like. I can’t see from all the way in the back. Do you have servants? Now that is cool.”
Upper-class boy:
“You’re lucky you don’t have to learn all the things I do. Fighting and swimming are fun, but going to school is boring.”
Lower class girl:
“School! I would long to go to school. I have to learn to weave all the time.”
Upper-class boy:
“You’re right, that is boring. But you could always do gladiator fights. Women are allowed to do that now.”
Lower class girl:
“Didn’t you listen to me? I am going to get married in a year. I am too busy learning to be a wife.
Upper-class boy:
“I am sorry. Well, got to go to school. Bye.”
Lower class girl:
nukes are danger be careful
a) A moral é a ciência da conduta, enquanto a ética determina padrões de comportamento.
Embora sejam conceitos correlatos, a moral e a ética tem significados diferentes, muito fáceis de serem identificados. Isso porque a moral refere-se aos costumes e hábitos que são defendidos em um determinado povo e nação como correto sob um determinado periodo de tempo. EM resumo, podemos afirmar que a moral é uma ciência da conduta observada como correta, dentro de uma região e dentro de uma cultura.
A ética, por sua vez, refere-se aos comportamentos individuais que os indivíduos de uma região assumem como correto, ou seja, a ética esta diretamente relacionada as ações humanas classificadas como corretas ou incorretas. Em resumo, podemos afirmar que a ética determina os padrões de comportamento.
facial features of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Based on the information provided within the question it can be said that in this scenario the worker should observe for facial features of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. This is a condition in children that occurs due to the mother consuming alcohol during the pregnancy. And can cause various brain and growth problems, as well as distinct facial features.