To multiply two fractions, we multiply the numerators to get the new numerator and multiply the denominators to get the new denominator. However, we are taught that when faced with a problem such as 3⁄5 ÷ 4⁄7, we should invert the second fraction and multiply.
Answer: I need this too.
Step-by-step explanation:
Step-by-step explanation:
Multiply the first equation by 2
8x +4y = 32
Add the 2nd equation
8x +4y = 32
x -4y =4
9x =36
Divide each side by 9
9x/9 = 36/9
Now solve for y
-4y +x =4
-4y +4 = 4
Subtract 4 from each side
-4y +4-4=4-4
-4y =0
Divide by -4
-4y/-4 =0/-4
Rule needed: i^2 = -1
Standard form a + bi
(3 + 2i)(7 - 5i) FOIL
3 * 7 = 21
3 * - 5i = - 15i
2i * 7 = 14i
2i * -5i = - 10i^2 = - 10 * -1 = 10
Putting it all back together.
31 - i