Zealous (adjective): showing passion for something
1) The zealous ace student studied every single day to make sure that he would pass his exams
Scruples (noun): a hesitating because you’re worrying if an action is moral or not
2) Although he had scruples about conducting the scam, he still continued to ensure that he would make money
The literary technique used in all three examples is <u>metaphor</u>.
<u>A metaphor is a figure of speech that makes an indirect comparison. </u>Unlike a simile -- a direct comparison --, which uses the support words "as" or "like", a metaphor does not use any support words. It simply states that thing A is thing B, instead of thing A is like thing B. For example:
- Your eyes are like stars. -- simile
- Your eyes are stars. -- metaphor
The purpose of a metaphor is to attribute the characteristics of one thing to another by comparing them, even if in reality they are not similar at all. When I say someone's eyes are stars, I don't mean it literally, of course. I refer to their beautiful brightness.
<u>That is precisely what Douglass does in all three examples in the question. Slavery does not literally have bitter dregs. It is not a dark night. The vessels were not ghosts. Douglass is making these indirect comparisons to attribute characteristics of one thing to the other. On dark nights, we can feel scared, lost, hopeless. By saying slavery is a dark night, Douglass may mean slavery made him feel that way.</u>
Giles is arrested for contempt of court when he will not reveal the names of the people who have said that they know that Thomas Putnam tries to get the land
The executioner (symbol) He struggled as a man condemned to death struggles in the hands of the executioner, knowing that he cannot save himself. (Excerpt) The executioner symbolizes death. Ivan Ilyich realizes that he cannot escape death. (significance)
the black hole (symbol) He felt that his agony was due to his being thrust into that black hole and still more to his not being able to get right into it.(excerpt) The black hole symbolizes Ivan Ilyich’s refusal to accept death. It also symbolizes his denial that his life has lacked meaning or purpose. This denial prolongs and worsens his misery. (significance)
the light (symbol) Suddenly some force struck him in the chest and side, making it still harder to breathe, and he fell through the hole and there at the bottom was a light… At that very moment Ivan Ilyich fell through and caught sight of the light, and it was revealed to him that though his life had not been what it should have been, this could still be rectified… In place of death there was light.(excerpt) The light symbolizes Ivan Ilyich’s moving from the darkness and ignorance in his life into the final stage of understanding and acceptance of his condition. This acceptance helps him conquer his fear of death.
I write this letter to show my concern about the increase in violence and criminality in our state. Although speaking for me, I represent all residents who feel threatened and terrified by what is happening.
In my community, and in many others, we have to live with a group of malefactors who plague our peace. We are constantly victims of thefts, in addition to having to live with graffiti from our homes and harassment of women and the elderly. We are in urgent need of help and I know that you can help us.
These malefactors usually meet and do their crimes at night, around 10 pm, in this case, I believe it would be a good time for you and your team to arrest them in the act and remove them from society so that they can be reeducated and stop harassing us so badly.
Thank you in advance for your understanding and I expect answers.
Lean Dean.