Your answer would be:
"Since I want to be accepted to an ivy league college".
The given sentence is: Since I want to be accepted to an ivy league college, I plan to study hard during my high school years.
Now, a dependent clause is a clause that provides a sentence with additional information, however it cannot stand alone as a sentence.
Now, in the given sentence in the question, the depend lent clause will be;
Since I want to be accepted to an ivy league college.
This is because it tells us why you plan to study hard during your high school years. However, it cannot stand alone as a sentence.
Interpretation is defined as a process of the creation of meaning. Life is a series of events, and with each event we attach a meaning . With each event we decide upon an interpretation . It is with these interpretations or attached meanings that we define who and what we are and what we can have and do. Then we go about life collecting evidence to confirm and validate these interpretations . A person's interpretation of an event can be affected through anger , the feeling of being a victim, not making the right decision, negative interpretation and past events among others. That's why it is so important to learn to be in the moment ' in order to experience the genius of you, who you really are, to experience the infinite . No doubt there is a bigger picture out there for your life; it is up to you to master the art of the interpretation
An art song is usually for solo voice and is accompanied by solo piano. (Just as a side note, I recommend listening to the Erlking by Schubert if you have time; it's a German art song (lied))
<span>In 'Fahrenheit 451', Beatty tells Montag that the decline of books started during the Civil War era. In that time, radio and television became a big thing, and books were less interesting to the general public. People started wanting to know quick news, celebrity gossip, and about the entertaining things that were going on. They became less interested in books. Books became of less quality, and education declined. He also went on to discuss how different authors disagreed with each other, especially on the war, and therefore, the solution was found to get rid of books. The reaction of his explanation is that people would rather have exciting information whether it was true or not than engage in learning through reading a book. They like to do the least amount of work possible in order to amuse themselves.</span>