The answer to your question is software.
B. Have the user press the appropriate function key combination to enable the wireless radio and then attempt to connect to the wireless network.
Every more often than not, users may experience wireless connection problems. How they respond to these issues solely depends on various factors. When a user like this has issues connecting to the network, first on the list of proper troubleshooting procedures is to check whether the wireless adapter or the function key that turns the wireless radio connection on is toggled on. Sometimes the most obvious causes are the hardest to see. The user should check this first because it will save him or her lots of troubleshooting time if the switch was simply physically disabled.
1 MB = 1 000 000 B (bytes)
4 MB = 4 000 000B
=> false
It really is hard to say because there are many slots and we do not know what your teacher is teaching. I have seen a lot of teachers teaching out of date material. With that said, here is a list from best to worst.
PCI Express x16
PCI Express x1
This is list is based on greatest to least and base on the bandwidth read and write speed.
La fuerza se aplica en el lado opuesto de la carga.
Para andar en bicicleta y llevar una carga de la tienda a su casa, usamos tales reglas para llevar la carga de manera más fácil y segura. Si la carga es grande y está colgada en el mango derecho de la bicicleta, entonces la fuerza se aplica en el lado izquierdo de la bicicleta para mantener el equilibrio. Si no hicimos esto, la moto se irá hacia el lado derecho y el piloto sufrió el accidente.