Roosevelt was concerned that some Latin American countries were not paying debts they owed to European countries. He thought the Europeans might come across the Atlantic Ocean and use their military to force Latin American countries to pay back their debts.
A. because i wouldn't take any chances.
Built a fantastic city in the Andes where stone masons fitted gigantic blocks of stone without help
created a system of picture writing carved in stone
according to what i read on a book the Ku Klux Klan was made when South America losed the War with Norht America and the North America made liberty to the black slaves (ahem do not mind the racism), after that the slaves became like some kind of rogues and began attaking and robbing people, some robbed for food to sustain family and others because they want to, then there is when the Ku Klux Klan (also known as KKK) came and attaked or killed those freed black slave wiping them out.
it is all i can write