According to Marx, division of labour is imposed on workers so that the capitalists may benefit. Durkheim stresses cooperation, whilst Marx stresses exploitation and conflict
I believe the answer is C
The correct answer is <span>neuroticism.
According to </span><span>Big Five theory of personality, individuals either rate high, low or somewhere in between when it comes to the trait, neuroticism. Neuroticism is characterized by moodiness, anxiety, incessant worrying and self-consciousness. Individuals who are high in neuroticism are likely to have poor mental health.</span>
B. New weather patterns are preventing industrial growth.
A forest is <u>a piece of land with many trees.</u> Forests are important and grow in many places around the world. ... Forests contain 80% of the Earth's plant biomass. Primary production is about 21.9 gigatonnes carbon per year for tropical forests, 8.1 for temperate forests, and 2.6 for boreal forests.