Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility
The Law Of Diminishing Marginal Utility states that all things being equal as consumption rises the marginal utility derived from additional unit of consumption falls.
According to Richard Hackman and Greg Oldham, Job characteristics explain the effects of five core dimensions of employee satisfaction.
The research work of Richard Hackman and Greg Oldham mainly relates to the nature of the work with the objective of the working goals to fulfill until it reaches its saturating point. It can be only accomplished only with the mentioned features of the labor like types of skills, the importance of the task, choosing the apt task, self-governance, and the review of the overall performance of the work.
The features of the work are collectively referred to as job characteristics. It will have a positive effect unless the above-mentioned features of the labor are utilized in a proper mix to ensure full employee satisfaction.
A. control a resource that is essential in the production process.
When the crucial resource is required to make a product, then the restrictions on such resource would not allow, many people to enter in such business.
Also that the resources will be restricted in some or other manner, its price will increase accordingly the cost of producing such article would also increase.
As the cost of production will increase only producers with a high budget and resources in terms of finance will chose it.
Holding period return = 14.49%, Standard Deviation = 11.08 approx
Eco Scenario Dividend Stock Price HPR Prob Expected HPR
Boom 3 60 26 0.33 8.58
Normal 1.2 58 18.4 0.33 6.072
Recession 0.75 49 (0.5) 0.33 <u> (0.165)</u>
Expected HPR 14.49%
<u>Calculation Of Standard Deviation</u>
(A) (B) (A) - (B)
Given return Exp return d p 
60 50 3 26 14.49 11.51 0.33 43.718
58 50 1.2 18.4 14.49 3.91 0.33 5.045
49 50 0.75 (0.5) 14.49 14.99 0.33 <u> 74.15</u>
= 122.91
wherein, d = deviation
p = probability
Standard Deviation =
= 11.08
<u>Working Note</u>:
Holding period return = 
Boom =
= 26%
Similarly, for normal =
= 18.4%
Recession =
= (0.5)%
figure in bracket indicates negative return
Market segmentation
Market segmentation is the process of dividing a market of potential customers into groups, or segments, based on different characteristics. The segments created are composed of consumers who will respond similarly to marketing strategies and who share traits such as similar interests, needs, or locations. A market segment is a group of people who share one or more common characteristics, lumped together for marketing purposes.