9999 is largest 4 digit number, and 100^2 is 10000, or 1 greater than the largest 4 digit number. This means that the closest square root of the largest perfect square is most likely 99. So 99^2 (9801)is the largest perfect square of four digits.
Multiply .03 by 42
1.26kg + 42kg= 43.26
Answer: 43.26kg
Find the amplitude of a sine or cosine function. Find the period ... Question: What effect will multiplying a trigonometric function by a ... same as the graph of y = sin x and y = cos x, respectively, stretched ... With both graphs to look at, it is easier to see what ... the graph. Question: What happens if we allow the input variable, x. A graph of a cosine curve is shown with attributes labeled. ... Use trigonometric (sine, cosine) functions to model and solve problems; justify results. a) Solve ... Amplitude - How far above or below the axis of the wave a sine or cosine function goes ... Note that the amplitude is always positive, even if the coefficient is negative.
Step-by-step explanation:
She can recieve a salary of $600 per week. If she went with option number two then she would be getting like 500 dollars.