Other words that go with the same meaning of common knowledge include Ongoing, existence, widespread, popular, etc.
Cash is the most liquid asset and can be used immediately to perform economic actions like buying, selling, or paying debt, and meeting immediate wants and needs. Bank can attract significant liquid funds to generate stronger profits, more stability, and more confidence among depositors, investors, and regulators.
Without a twelve month calendar, people would not know how to meet up at the same time. People would say, see you in 218 days, and they wouldn't be able to plan far in the future. Without a number system, we could not pay for things, and without wheels we could not go anywhere and lots of technology would become obsolete.
Land Act of 1820
Date: 1820
This act is significant in that it triggered the settlement of the Northwest and Missouri territories. This act encouraged those settlements by lowering the price of public land and also by prohibiting the purchase of federal acreage on credit. This eliminated one of the causes of the Panic of 1819.
A education in math and science