Plessy v. Ferguson. Plessy, who was 1/8 African American, tried to ride in a "whites only" train car, violating a Louisiana law that separate amenities must be provided for people of different races. The Court found that separate accommodations were allowed by the "privileges and immunities" and "equal protection" clauses of the fourteenth amendment as long as they were comparable in quality.
La mayoría de los afroamericanos encontraron trabajo en granjas en áreas rurales.
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The biggest and most notable reason why oligopolies exist is collaboration. A lot of Firms see more economic advantages in collaborating on a precise price than in trying to battle and drag price competitively with their competitors. By controlling prices in a cartel like way, oligopolies are able to raise their difficulty to entry.
A few oligopolists whose products I make use of are GMC, Samsung, Dell, Apple, UPS, and BP.
Oligopoly is differentiated from monopolistic competition in that oligopoly is comprised of a small number of businesses and they have distinguished or homogeneous products and trying to break-in into their line of business is very difficult.